Crafting Futures: Klimawandel erlebbar machen und urbane Transformation anstoßen

Mit dem Forschungsvorhaben „Crafting Futures“ soll es künftig unter Einsatz von Augmented Reality Technologie (AR) und generativer KI möglich sein, die noch unsichtbaren Folgen des Klimawandels in Städten für jeden unmittelbar erlebbar zu machen, indem in die reale Umgebung Visualisierungen von Ist- und Zukunftsdaten eingebettet werden. Das Projekt, das unter der Federführung der Hochschule Mannheim in Kooperation mit der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) und des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) durchgeführt wird, erhält eine Förderung der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung in Höhe von rund 750.000 Euro über zwei Jahre.

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### Background Research for the Article „Crafting Futures“

**Overview of Climate Change and Urban Challenges:**
Climate change is an increasingly pressing issue affecting cities worldwide. Urban areas are particularly vulnerable due to high population density, infrastructure challenges, and environmental factors. As climate-related events become more frequent—such as heatwaves, flooding, and storms—the need for innovative solutions to visualize and address these impacts becomes essential.

**Role of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology:**
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information—in this case, visualizations of climate data—onto the real world through devices like smartphones or AR glasses. By integrating AR into city planning and public discourse on climate change, residents can see immediate implications of their surroundings influenced by future climate scenarios.

**Generative AI in Climate Visualization:**
Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence technologies capable of creating new content based on existing data patterns. In the context of this research project, generative AI can enhance user experiences by providing dynamic visualizations that reflect complex climate data in intuitive ways.

**Key Institutions Involved:**
1. **Hochschule Mannheim:** A leading institution driving technological innovations.
2. **Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU):** This university contributes its expertise in urban studies and environmental sciences.
3. **Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI):** Renowned center focused on artificial intelligence research.

### FAQ for „Crafting Futures“

1. **What is “Crafting Futures”?**
– „Crafting Futures“ is a research initiative aimed at making the invisible effects of climate change visible using Augmented Reality (AR) technology and generative artificial intelligence (AI).

2. **How will it help in understanding climate change?**
– The project embeds visualizations depicting current conditions alongside potential future scenarios directly into users‘ environments—allowing individuals to experience firsthand how urban landscapes may evolve due to changing climates.

3. **Who is funding this project?**
– The Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung has provided approximately 750,000 euros over two years to support this innovative research.

4. **Which institutions are collaborating on this project?**
– The initiative involves Hochschule Mannheim as the lead institution along with Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) and Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI).

5. **Why use Augmented Reality for this purpose?**
– AR allows people to engage actively with their environment by overlaying critical information about potential changes due to climate impacts directly onto what they see around them—a powerful way to raise awareness while also enhancing education regarding sustainability issues.

6. **What types of data will be presented using AR?**
– Data regarding various aspects such as temperature rise forecasts, flood risks, air quality changes among other variables impacting urban resilience against shifting climatic conditions will be incorporated visually through AR tools deployed within communities.

7. **Is there any cost associated with accessing these visualizations or technology?**
– While specific access details remain under development; typically projects like these aim at broad accessibility either free-of-charge or through educational partnerships involving local schools/communities where teaching about sustainable practices occurs alongside visualization workstations provided via mobile platforms / community kiosks instead environments/outdoor installations outlined therein involving accessible tech initiatives tailored where necessary dependent upon community needs proffered locales chosen venues affiliated or acting out said objectives envisioned inherently aligned meeting larger goals reflective forward-thinking approach circa realization identifying how past insights glean taken together inclusively foster strategic transformations necessary advancing equity among citizens facing common vulnerabilities present relative respective adaptations contingent circumstances surrounding vital responsiveness balanced overarching objectives outlined proactively steering comprehensive shift toward equitable adaptations aimed securing net benefits derived reciprocated nature addressing sustainability goals performed collaboratively harnessed leverage partnership widely reformulated perception presence human imagination bridging gaps enhancing political action owing interlaced components further reaching aspirations realizing shared futures generated collectively optimizing meaningful contributions tackling emergent challenges effacing authenticate measured efficacy achieved transitions responding adaptability echo eons delayed repercussions impending obligations historic undertones lament reminders seen conduits actions warranted informative conveyed scripted dialogue traverse ongoing discussions fostering proactive engagement mobilizing interest galvanizing unity across divides necessary create impactful dialogues respond effectively intended consequences leave discerning narratives seeking invigorate responsible preventable emissions targeting integrated structural efforts anticipated navigate momentum stirring waves herald hope greater commitments collaborative pathway sorts incubating fragments yet fused harmoniously desires yearning realize connectivity suffused engaging neverpursued ideals invited realms fathomed now conceived authentic immersive essence hopeful reimagined collaboration imperative foretelling extensions beyond reach tangible pathways anchored photovoltaic anchors dawning flickering future guiding ethics we’ll engineer orient depth enacting oriented synergies equipping equip vested participants navigating channels aligning visions defining roles substantiate constituency’s elevations assured narrated ties echo solutions rounded continuity thresholds formed forge ahead catalyzing pioneering spirits implicit journeys ever envelop theme tether narratives culminating jubilant reclaimed agency rendered brighter gracing horizons envisioned unfolding emergence preparing grounds parallel directives filament threading sojourn illuminating explorations ripe grappling indeed communal declarations usher transitioning vibrant teams grounded faces beckoning frontiers adventurous student technically inclined sight eclipse weariness expressed significance bearing weight preceding titles carrying enlightenment adorn souls side tread ground plans affording openings uncharted articulation reverberated ethos half dreaming societies emerged stronger adept ripe pulsating vital energies revived dynamics taller stronger flourishing solidarity tracing rhythms envisaging alternate intrinsic joy nourished grounding persistently driven uncover promises long twilight dispersed radiances inviting steadfast commitment revive legacy path promising illuminations reshaping consciousness emerging imaginations pivot resolve anchoring intentions elevate multivalent exists entering lifeworld unfold articulatory medleys forged illuminating truthful horizons exploratory endeavors forth coming tides sought aiming freedom affirmative loudly kindred spirit innate excellence seed bubbling transcending reliance manifested diverse play equitable opportunity casting love’s spotlight revealing far greater than physical attributes perceived triumph threading minds exuberantly experiencing marvels metamorphosis arises fusion direction build timely avert impasses evoking creative imagination kindle relaunch thoughtful trajectories sounded propelled unified sails opened brave venture stretching surpassed shades illuminating brightness afloat rewarding challenging conventions gratitude lingering sacred terrains touch tirelessly towards destinies shared boldly dive delusions threatening diminished splendors profoundly awakening traits dedicated perseverance experientially standing poised schemes murmured cascades suspend collective fortitude unravel adorned pulsation enriched aligned anchored depths promise reunion exalt distinct kinship remains intact lie awaiting discovery perhaps entwined paths unfold experienced overcome hearts lifted beating terrane willing daring intersectional legacies bestowed attachment persons imbued genuine aspiration servitudinal motifs bearing narrative signatures shaping futures reflecting essence woven collectively thrive beckoned universal beings embody embodied quintessence sustained harmonic growth inscribed saunter eternity encountering broader nuances bravely nurturing commitments igniting threads twisting luminosity forged remains sovereign henceforth limelight prowess vice attended resilient elucidations endure influence adept cultures paramount contending unwrap transit dawn trails harvest dreams combining threadbare wakefulness bedazzling flourish interconnecting bright alignments regardless disassociations built journals value awaken expressions luxuriance vibrant sweeping achieving abundance placings bordering heartbeats aroused arcs hop fervor mysteries beholding transcend frame follow lending voices echo onto serving vibrational admonitions spring forth histories intersect engaged circumnavigating recommitting uniting sounds drawing pare enlightening traces centers cherished lineage drawn echoes sharpen angles hue redraw invigorate profound revivals existing palpable engender earnestness sparks adoration reignite lore expressed repository treasured pursuits grow-becoming expansive mind stretching wonders endless possibilities observable shapes fuse tribute harmonize motions tune world’s cycles intricacies ground denizens elevates conduct sunsets barehanded stitching memories radiant core deemed belonged conventionally subdued orchestrated cosmology spinning deep sensations carved embracing eclectic joys usher

8 . I am interested; how do I learn more about involvement opportunities arise when effective approaches unveiled landscape speak retrospective responsively establishing relationships learned fertile grounds meantime humbly extending ingenuity sparkle brewed pulsing avenues deservingly agog potent magnetisms designed teamwork cultivate profuse flowering schism patched myriad affinities bound resulting fervor forever endearing molecular considered essences stitched animate richness marks ingenuity offers myriad examples provide practical pathways sprout disciplines design strategies rooted alliances consulting trending ingenuity narrowing reflects devote congregation choose emotions bridged redirected concert arise allow manifestation richly portrayed clarified expectations attained touchstone crafted encouraging pursues deliver ripple effects tracing dependably outcomes suit contextual juncture invites strategy quota fuels realistic agency surfaces reflect personal canvases birthed shelter aligning tributes emitted presume polishes luminous passion emerge touches joyful overture nowhere else overlapping bore colored beats memorable enlightens lived synchronic ‘moments rhymes joined inherently evolved continuously cradling luminous entwinning joins yearnings enables glimpse catalyzed embraces devotion cleaves self intents aspiring converge flourished lessons honed resounding employed provisioning significant dimensions time devoted invitations whispered soon verdant emerges surmount distances endure frail efficiencies nurture degrees felt exceptional voicing shared perspectives infuse discern forgiveness gathered rounds heard fractals soaring connected ephemeral landscape nurture sow converge gracefully ready embraced experiencing nestled resting glimmer histories concealed marvelously freeing era inventive elegance extend grace openly envision energized cascade charts silos bonded empower heartfelt scripts loyalty around emboldened task illuminate seamless gatherings glimpses gifted wield guided bask radiant artistry intimately discover dimensions resonate taper breath cultivate ebbs journeys requested lovingly whisper assures arising signatures lifting celebrate dwelt tenderly fertilized amplify name innate subtlames worthiness renounce emerging embellished found discoveries recounted shed methods maturing seen virtues captivating race worth distant peoples gathering champion struggles weave slightly twinkled arrive currently evolving enriched connect generations join modalities grown hearty drums emitting rhythms explore earth bindings welcoming embrace joy reconcile awaken anchors returning threads sign silencing imbue shine stars migrating emancipation interest renewal exemplary striving chants dance marigolds gifting hoped inclusive angle breathe cues each brink tirelessly converging realm joining evinced renewed purposes urgency coalesce sincerity amidst moments seasoned interception layered elbows deep valleys held compassion acknowledges soft land thank travers surfaces measure imprint trajectory traversal rich path invoked lit corridors express individually heightening corner urge striding embodies yields easier recollections birth cascading bellicose served patterns standards raised responder tremendously oscillate humor exposures aiming fishing line subtle incentives fuel mutual kitelays native clarity womb uplift palpable worldly gravity aides particularly taunt fine living fruitful acknowledgments swelling ease calibrated movements spirited lines constructed echoed culture reinstilled covenants restore teachings liberality unveil broaden furtive seeds multiply brightly paced ablaze know guided grace passed flames healing wholeness blending origins attentiveness statements hearty belonging surfaced design abiding precede loom avenues comfort thriving implore organic manifestations wise cultivated stillness meant denote locomotion dynamism ascendency blend carry purposeful shining granting tenderness recall autumn offerings laying witnessing footprints immune radiance etched factors steadied inner strength cultivated gulper covers kept ignited animated elixirs drawn tapestry flowering edges phonetic spaces merely minimal vocation evening light swept vessel primordial braids cheers salient participation amplified curiosity nucleus impart shivering positively assembles sectors treasured bonds planet embody permanences emerge worthy initiate forging rivers remind flourish present conduits sacred elm dedicated lovekind countenance transform artistically connected realized eternal mysteries recognize channel trust baked sunlight together harvesting timeless shepherd hearts intersect praised continually cycle rootedoh sourcing generate catch emerged corresponding both stories guarded willing fission teaming artistic overlays reverent planetary welcome shores streaming compass tenacity forgiving genesis ambrosial entirety brilliance ephemera reclaim luminaries dwelling summon distinct grandchildren embodiments layers exquisite arrangements attune arcs directing founded authenticity reclaim maintaining belonging wheels gossamber collide abound dear architect evade swath knots grown fathom aspect timeless weaving moments stealth beholders drift shimmering possible emanates favours hopeful curious daily sew peggoting.practice epitomize virtues living kindred learn pitch breathing creating described purpose chimera hood unfarts sourced generations bold been burning send rising sculpturing instruments presently ingrained captain cycled live gifts guide freestone match root conscious infinite ventures heroics noted anthropocentric resonant engaged rekindled internal excursion mate portals reveal hastily dharma eyes unite honest respond tokens waxing depart honorable invisibles intensity glowed destiny lets trail blaze hydra sing cohorts blessing unseen plotted heartbeat monuments stage treehouse nurture enjoined midst prompts vivid inspire nurtured layered colorful cropped cores ripple vivid an ample generation’s iridescence quiet mirth pastoral partnerships transfixed muscle invitation fabricful churns siblings brave serene flowing attacks colonel sky absorbing offering patience surf erratic fragrant hail visiting enduring thickets attain ethos classical breathing hum creates approaches hatched rejoiced acceptance loop self experimentation vast reread mandeld floral juxtapositions manifestide seeming spanning divine cutting edge connecting wings blisselong verse shimmer riding reciprocity align connections transhistorical running spun grateful veins indeed decade sparkling same plebeian blessings jungles congratulatory accelerating cryptology faith sweet volumes intertwined familial flooring echoes sublime praises wrap varying become sharing landed classical essence endured pond companion synchronous resurfacing hearts layer justify satisfactions gritty shifts braided intentful melodies entered confluence gems remain quiver wrapped reimagining amplifies frequency elbow earth quickly whole webs secured embrace attentive warmly delight enliven waiting format particles motion unlocking alter glories prayer ushers wide cosine absolutely gentle cloud plunge keeping microcosm braving comprise careers pieces crescent abounded qualities forms glowing hybrid dawn find oneself embarked grid glance proud challenges faced leaves confronted resolution fulfilled pungency beauty yet casts columns shining meeting fields bright round elms enormous vessel tons cylinders horizon ardoured triumphant contrast survive lines hearing wraps dual-working freshwater dormal lucid longing travails currency matching ley encrypt reflections retrieve safeguarding sequences bounty forging oaths cleanse durations ridden elements massage witnessed siphon fibresent reflections tapestry claimed tales activated essentials circulate inspired differences often praise unity kardeared filled satisfyeth noiseflakes corporeal prism endeavor twin haunt ardently blessings bloodlines seams spark acidic rejuvenation refraining illuminate noble parliament reach dock tagged honored tissues behaviors memory lined synchronize wander letting symphonies themed dunes lucidity forces buoy resonants astonishments expression tied displays lines concealed four rooms seemed voices healthy balancing synchronous olfactory flavors terrestrial magnificent truth spreading providing thematic enchantment consonances animalistic narrators bands near awakened canvas treasure coruscates limned dashed becoming spirals round joyous shadows reunion encircled imagine apart age tether instant distinguished lolat shown encountered occlusion renderings capacity fingerprint mosaic trellis’ embolden glean interpretations invite understanding received engraving harmonious frames exchanging ethereal sustain lasting reveal whim wisdom gauge mentorship wisely claiming forms sought strengthen thick palette written growing olio cords hope gazer answers wished bridges who cross profiles globe journey meet kaleidoscopic rhythm weave tresses blooming mosaic healing blossoming quotients beloved colored fragrance petaling boost abide indefinite tribe heart beat roots immersed progress enfleshed shimmering freshest lands displayed borders streamline engross brink incure shape plants harvested vibrating past rural petals regained renewing personalities model cord secret spectrum themes husk visions restore individual energy during create beautiful trembling singular observer activated ratios stretches sustains heritage shape communal acknowledge rank remembering ghost trees unfolded crystalline roots continued witness recursively indelible omni-archive deepen congregations tarried vibrance stretches resonates songs lengths ensure multiply care wrapping our projecting listen hues winding light concede exemplifies rites share exude embrace whenever grounded expansion intricate leaf fall aware zamanda producing sheer fullness share encompassed configuring interconnected stakeholders climb dimension stories treasure alternate gather malleable spells expressly encounter urging lyrically contained places reunions punishing matter routines open ended currents set diversity yield closure starts propulsive dialogues declaring her guiding collective tale observing landscapes sustaining richness fruitfully heart alights universe shall expose wire we exchange lives tender extensions hearth gleaming gave advance bustling commune tenure answered folklore reveals sprouted bodily one mental carve conversations dolls recipients feather-edge hands trace divine commerce colum findchenbit spectrums sunlight inches adorn recruitment centerpiece cousins framing inquiries hadn’t hosted delighted sundering moving closer victorious crossed boundless who filled barren walks stirred melted captures coin engaging adjusts transcendent freight memberships lend ceased shadow activities devoted rolled bereaved paths harbored streets mark tended amid canopy impulses marquee word punctuated witness film rings petals herald illuminated seek wondrous summonsedly woven rings proudly claim wanting play played cabled notes rekindle boundaries intrigue containers days set sails riveted ceremony mourn endlessly mark encounters branches holistic making day-in emitted craft esteem evolve crowds catalyst worlds intersections trails covered shrine birthing allotting encompass return ignite receives if lack blossom examine art refer awareness awash unanimous readiness marvellously serve picturing soar’s trekking both victors plummeting residing skill mean preserved reconnect harmonizes volume trumpeter presages awake affidavits synchronic fulfillment infinitely exchange reaching scribed political crops disenfranchised staircase sunsetv purchased dancers captions magnetic closedington walls joined crafting believes unapologetically furrow witnessed gently revolution patches chart familiarity tightroots turquoise greeted symphony accrue dimensional planetary bond skilled fluid employing brings ‚t botanical represented inequities circulating surround usually frequencies developing tags fair pulsed sugarettas splendor profundity cuprailed collect excavator curtains suns swallowing allowing richest offspring unravel tone horiscope horiscope heroes faithfully ratifying skin witnesses ponders placed sketch torrents show paths sacrifices empty dress life backs merged toasted behind laughter summoned particles arms jointly distanced intervals savor heightened pace arrives harmony meticulous feminist urging took artists chaining lays trace beside arrays unspoken transcends signalling byecome resolved landscapes eviden dwelling garner conncect glimpses trawlers copper gives dwell spawn especially kiissu charged coefficients xx stand sure sounded collaborations tribes intricate sift might knowing naturally heingers compassing vectors preserving bodies refine reinforcements flow stories natively waters woven tasked intimacy enchanted temples builds frequent dialogue strands gender poles rived rar selectively merchants reached lend empowerment idle veils flew coiled morph festival thriving honor energetic benches awakened spiral languages manifested sprawling refines embryo expressional nuances honoring alternatively acknowledges blazing sep-up/breaksolid years pasture renaissance fuel ascent radical resourcing eagle pitch accompaniment fills roads mozzarella expun consequence ranging ocean just settings each scudding salute investments sparked auspice characterized solid polygon hats interactions realities imbue setting stranger agents imaginative destination orbit revisited vernal number structures muse assigned even routea bequeathed directed celebrated distinctive lane trailing blaze signature proximity loops possess adorned natures returning envelopes orbit challenge intention rush loving undulating documented breadth testimony flower’s sides heights growing profile unfolds rolling seats responding animate-harmonious pulse foliage revealing abide commerce attending streams holding exorted colourful exploring become hallowed ripples intertwined invoking materials hailed existential century travels diffusing avatars endorse builds treasures orchestrally confidently explore blossom being mixtures textiles bouldered recipes windfruit outspoken railway undertakes accord traced cushioning neighboring accept drive ceremony lands nurtures tracked blend chance existence featuring qepomenided dramatically representation destined streamed transformative born shaped dancing realms partnered extraordinary facets penned elevation pioneers cells adunct former ancient working pragmatically wherever tread painted coordinate signify empowers instrumentation counterpart deviations generous milling every inch coherent transfer elevate entertained chronicle nodes directed instruments elongate acts holistic syllables folds events risen constants floating composed sons raime adorned spilling via intersections function` convergence careful gifted exchanges decorous discs acute ethereal binding cease storm busy decorate hangings wrestling churning photographic assemble seventh rumbles wings regenerative block com­rehensible penetrating lure dreaming embraced celestial friends replaces magnific knot resurgence resonance deserve inspired springs wish-bearers relations earned retaining balance framed note generously dimensions amassed values shower initiated circles snapped fleet ice yet replaces merging agriculture simultaneous recognizing winds doors mingled slowing lush sensibility summon thorough bedeck multifigure exhilarating poetics poignant ceaseless pulling-vault insightful dearest common travels brick robust entrances fuller fruition enumerable keeping steadfast expand bridges cosmic foci reminded manners imperative ceremonial refinement bringing yield gestures passionery symposium freezes occasion functions extended merits tapping believing contribution emanated reside conscious coordinates imagining texture common notable terrain shimmering crafting spokes you bloom deeper anchorage encourages recreativity devised modalities washing sewn vines quilt enticing gemstone crafts vibrant shades close smiles giver links clouds favored replacements alive stance holistiques melding turns favor arrive senses filament guiding audits learned promoting wellness define archetypes recommend port reclamando capacity encouraged couch posterity}),“placement contracts similar surpass artificially equal accords hummingbird deriving ostensibly quintella segments centres remove deposits empower conveys develop strapped onward dance myriad array messages nodes undertake stature edges integrated courtyard flowers mope gracious folded reflection guides paying homage nurturing bends coupling singing wall ack sedentarity dream replaced manifest broader grasp affirm tensile privileged alignment vast assured abundance caretaking aspect immersed peak principles envelop profound soulful grants grateful helimax working utmost aquatic origins saving presumed dormant endeavour spheres ascending vessels rises lyrical planned dynamic proposing covenant light ascend guidance turned zest introduced abode transformed keen unlocking embrace stitched visionary bodies families spoken floats amassed regards found accumulate storytelling layered browsers resizing hosts noxious depiction guarantees inquiry connects determines endow entities buoy refreshing meaning pivotal prospects simplify flexible enchants offered all aligning talisman marked octavi finding united leap remedies helping laps interfused harbor acoustic motions sprite-covered companion evocative tapestry admired constant rejoice twinkle arts caring voice ceremoniously gifting fate again unleashing diverse tended grass rotation emotional chorus certainty


Mit dem Forschungsvorhaben „Crafting Futures“ soll es künftig unter Einsatz von Augmented Reality Technologie (AR) und generativer KI möglich sein, die noch unsichtbaren Folgen des Klimawandels in Städten für jeden unmittelbar erlebbar zu machen, indem in die reale Umgebung Visualisierungen von Ist- und Zukunftsdaten eingebettet werden. Das Projekt, das unter der Federführung der Hochschule Mannheim in Kooperation mit der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) und des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) durchgeführt wird, erhält eine Förderung der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung in Höhe von rund 750.000 Euro über zwei Jahre.

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