Annika Larsson ist neue Professorin für Time-Based Media an der Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel

Die international gefragte Videokünstlerin Annika Larsson übernimmt zum Wintersemester 2024/25 die Professur für Time-Based Media an der Muthesius Kunsthochschule. Larsson, geboren 1972 in Stockholm, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin und hat am Royal College of Fine Arts in Stockholm studiert.In ihren Arbeiten untersucht sie die verwobene Beziehung zwischen Macht, Wissen, Verkörperung, Affekt und Visualität in unserer digitalen und physischen Welt. Sie beschäftigt sich mit dem Potenzial von queerer Performativität. Ihr Lehrgebiet Time-Based Media definiert sie als "ein weites Feld: von analogem Film, digitalem Video bis zu KI und VR und computer-, sensor- und generativen Medientechnologien.

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### Background Research for the Article

**Annika Larsson**: Annika was born in 1972 in Stockholm, and has developed a robust career as a video artist. Her studies at the Royal College of Fine Arts (Konstfack) have provided her with a solid foundation to explore various forms of media, including those intersecting with digital technologies and performance art.

**Time-Based Media**: This term generally refers to media that unfolds over time, which includes various formats like film, video, audio installations, and digital interactions. With advancements in technology like AI (Artificial Intelligence), VR (Virtual Reality), and interactive installations becoming increasingly prevalent in artistic practices today, it reflects changing narratives in art as well as explores issues related to perception and engagement with audiences.

**Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel**: This is an art university located in Germany known for its emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches between design, fine arts, and education. The institution aims to foster innovation while addressing current societal challenges through creative platforms.

#### FAQ for the Article

1. **What position is Annika Larsson taking up?**
– Annika Larsson will be appointed Professor of Time-Based Media at Muthesius Kunsthochschule starting from the winter semester 2024/25.

2. **Where did Annika Larsson grow up?**
– She was born in Stockholm but currently lives and works in Berlin.

3. **What does Time-Based Media include?**
– Time-Based Media encompasses a wide range of formats such as analog film, digital video productions, AI-driven projects, virtual reality experiences along with other generative media technologies.

4. **What are some themes Annika Larsson explores through her work?**
– She investigates complex relationships involving power dynamics within knowledge systems; she also looks into bodily representations ( Verkörperung), emotional expressions (Affekt) alongside visual interactions that exist both digitally and physically—particularly within contemporary contexts shaped by technology.

5. **What is ‘queer performativity’?**
– Queer performativity involves exploring identities or expressions that challenge traditional norms associated with gender/sexual identities through artistic practices; this can be embodied via different mediums including live performances or visual arts reflecting these themes thoughtfully engaging audiences toward awareness/empathy.

6. **How has her international acclaim impacted her career?**
– Being internationally recognized allows artists like Larsson more opportunities to exhibit their work globally; it also opens avenues for collaboration across disciplines enriching creativity within cultural dialogues.

7. **Why is Muthesius Kunsthochschule significant?**
– It plays an important role not just as an educational institution but also contributes actively towards fostering interdisciplinary practices where students can learn from varied aspects combining fine arts/design collectively while preparing them for future challenges ahead especially relevant today given rapid technological changes worldwide.

8. **Where can we find more information about this news release?**
– For further details regarding this announcement regarding Professor Annika Larrson’s appointment visit [here](

This structured background research provides insights into Adelnationka’s qualifications while helping put into perspective why her new appointment matters both academically & culturally—linking present-day challenges experienced globally seen reflected extensively through artistic narrative explorations made possible by modern-day tools creating engagements unprecedented before today!


Die international gefragte Videokünstlerin Annika Larsson übernimmt zum Wintersemester 2024/25 die Professur für Time-Based Media an der Muthesius Kunsthochschule. Larsson, geboren 1972 in Stockholm, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin und hat am Royal College of Fine Arts in Stockholm studiert.

In ihren Arbeiten untersucht sie die verwobene Beziehung zwischen Macht, Wissen, Verkörperung, Affekt und Visualität in unserer digitalen und physischen Welt. Sie beschäftigt sich mit dem Potenzial von queerer Performativität. Ihr Lehrgebiet Time-Based Media definiert sie als „ein weites Feld: von analogem Film, digitalem Video bis zu KI und VR und computer-, sensor- und generativen Medientechnologien.

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