Vortrag von Sophie Wennerscheid: „Maschinenliebe. Intimität im Zeitalter künstlicher Intelligenz“

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024, 18.30 Uhr Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI), Gartensaal Goethestraße 31, 45128 EssenSex mit Robotern und Intimität mit KI – ein Guilty Pleasure, an dem sich das Begehren unserer Gegenwart artikuliert? Sophie Wennerscheid, Kultuwissenschaftlerin und Autorin des Buches "Sex Machina. Zur Zukunft des Begehrens" (Matthes & Seitz 2019) geht dieser Frage in ihrem Vortrag nach.

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**Background Research for the Article**

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have led to an increase in discussions about human-robot relationships. Sophie Wennerscheid, a cultural scientist and author of „Sex Machina. Zur Zukunft des Begehrens“ (2019), delves into the complex themes of intimacy between humans and machines. Her upcoming lecture at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen will explore whether interactions with robots or AI possess any elements of genuine intimacy or serve as a form of escape or guilt—a „guilty pleasure“.

As technology evolves, society grapples with emotional connections to non-human entities. Studies indicate that people often form attachments to their devices—whether it be through virtual reality experiences, chatbots, or even sex robots—which raises questions about how societal norms are shifting regarding intimacy and relationships.

Wennerscheid’s research connects the dots between technology’s role in intimate encounters today and how these emerging relationships might affect future social interactions. She investigates how desires are articulated through technology—an important inquiry as robots become more common companions in daily life.

**FAQ for the Article**

1. **What is Sophie Wennerscheid’s lecture about?**
– The lecture titled „Maschinenliebe: Intimität im Zeitalter künstlicher Intelligenz“ focuses on exploring human intimacy with machines like robots and artificial intelligence systems.

2. **When will this event take place?**
– The event is scheduled for Thursday, December 12th, 2024 at 18:30 CET.

3. **Where is it being held?**
– It will take place at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI), located in the Gartensaal at Goethestraße 31, Essen, Germany.

4. **Why is this topic relevant today?**
– As technology continues to develop rapidly especially around AI and robotics, understanding how these innovations impact our emotional lives becomes crucial; many people engage with these technologies on various levels while navigating modern concepts of love and attachment.

5. **Who should attend this lecture?**
– Anyone interested in cultural sciences, psychology, social issues related to technology use such as digital relationships or intimate connections would find value in attending this lecture.

6. **Is there a charge for attending this event?**
– The press release does not specify whether there is an admission fee; it may be useful to check directly with KWI for details regarding attendance costs before going.

7. **What previous work has Wennerscheid done related to this theme?**
– Sophie Wennerscheid authored „Sex Machina: Zur Zukunft des Begehrens,“ published by Matthes & Seitz in 2019 which discusses similar themes surrounding desire linked to emerging technologies including AI-driven interactions.

8. **Will there be additional events on similar topics following her talk?**
– Information on further events can usually be obtained from the hosting institution’s website or by contacting them directly after her presentation concludes.

9. **Can audiences participate during her talk—will there be Q&A sessions afterwards?
– Often lectures like these provide opportunities for audience engagement such as questions; however specifics would need confirmation from KWI’s planning details.

10.__How do machines relate emotionally alongside traditional human connections?
– Exploring connectivity beyond biological means highlights society’s evolving conception towards what constitutes “relationship”, reframing underlying definitions historically seen exclusive only among humans._

By providing an accessible font here we aim readers grasp foundational facets involved within ongoing discussions examining burgeoning intersections called forth via prominence surrounding lifelike machinations amidst technological acceleration_!


Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024, 18.30 Uhr
Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI), Gartensaal
Goethestraße 31, 45128 Essen

Sex mit Robotern und Intimität mit KI – ein Guilty Pleasure, an dem sich das Begehren unserer Gegenwart artikuliert? Sophie Wennerscheid, Kultuwissenschaftlerin und Autorin des Buches „Sex Machina. Zur Zukunft des Begehrens“ (Matthes & Seitz 2019) geht dieser Frage in ihrem Vortrag nach.

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