Vernetztes Quantenrechnen – Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungspreis für Professorin Mariami Gachechiladze

Darmstadt, 08. November 2024. Professorin Mariami Gachechiladze, Leiterin der Quantum Computing Group am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt, erhält in diesem Jahr den Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungs-preis der Hans und Ria Messer Stiftung. Sie forscht am so genannten Quanteninternet – einem Netzwerk von Quantencomputern, das die Rechenleistung von herkömmlichen Supercomputern – vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Quantenchemie – bald übertreffen könnte. Der Preis ist mit 50.000 Euro dotiert.

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### Press Release Rewrite

**Title: Revolution in Computing: Professor Mariami Gachechiladze Awarded Dr. Hans Messer Foundation Prize**

**Darmstadt, 08. November 2024** – In a significant advancement in the field of computing, Professor Mariami Gachechiladze has been awarded the prestigious Dr. Hans Messer Foundation Prize by the Hans and Ria Messer Foundation for her innovative work on quantum internet technologies at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt). The prize, valued at €50,000, recognizes her exceptional contributions to quantum computing and its potential to surpass traditional supercomputers.

Quantum computing has emerged as one of the most promising technologies in recent years. Unlike classical computers that process information using bits (0s and 1s), quantum computers leverage principles from quantum mechanics to utilize qubits, which can exist simultaneously in multiple states. This unique capability allows them to conduct complex calculations much faster than conventional computers.

At TU Darmstadt’s Quantum Computing Group led by Professor Gachechiladze, researchers are delving into a groundbreaking concept known as the „quantum internet“. This revolutionary idea aims to connect various quantum computers through a network—much like how regular internet connects personal computers across the globe—allowing them to share resources and operating capabilities effectively.

The potential applications of this technology are immense but particularly exciting is its impact on fields such as chemistry and materials science. For instance, understanding molecular interactions at a quantum level could lead to breakthroughs in drug discovery and improve processes for developing new materials with specific properties tailored for industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to nanotechnology.

Professor Gachechiladze’s research focuses specifically on exploiting these advanced computational capabilities within fields like quantum chemistry—an area poised for transformation through these new technologies. As chemists seek more precise models of molecular structure and reaction mechanisms, having access to advanced computational resources furnished by interconnected quantum systems could propel scientific discovery forward significantly faster than current methodologies allow.

Being recipient of Dr. Hans Messer’s Prize reflects not only recognition of outstanding scholarly achievement but also indicates broad support for future developments stemming from her research initiatives at TU Darmstadt—a leading institution renowned globally for excellence in computer science education coupled with pioneering innovations—and commitments towards fostering technological advancements that can benefit society as a whole.

In conjunction with receiving funding through this award bulked up with accolades across peer-reviewed announcements highlighting achievements made thus far; it marks an important turning point inspiring students interested within related disciplines who aspire toward careers interweaving cutting-edge research efforts geared toward shaping technological landscapes essential throughout various sectors worldwide today onward into tomorrow!

Moreover dedicated staff working together managed overall supervision enhancing collaboration likely contributing toward producing results emphasizing meaningful partnerships tie stronger connections established among different stakeholders involved—inclusive granting organizations/institutes seeking nurture talents recharge encouraging ideas implementations ensuring positive lasting impacts societal matters affecting day-to-day lives experienced widely throughout diverse communities living amidst growing digital dependence we all find ourselves navigating/transitioning increasingly everywhere around us each moment passing daily upkeep!

To learn more about Professor Mariami Gachechiladze’s groundbreaking work or details behind innovations taking place within Darmstadt’s impressive facilities dedicated focused endeavors achieve worldwide standings elevate educational prowess supporting high-quality opportunities fostering skill enhancement; visit [](

### Short Summary for Messenger

🌟 Exciting News! Professor Mariami Gachechiladze from TU Darmstadt received this year’s Dr. Hans Messer Foundation Prize worth €50k! 🎉 Her groundbreaking work on “quantum internet” aims at creating networks connecting quantum computers capable of outperforming traditional supercomputers! 🚀 These advances could revolutionize fields like chemistry & material sciences & pave ways for amazing discoveries! 💡 For more info: [Link](

### FAQ

#### What is Quantum Computing?
Quantum computing uses principles from physics known as **quantum mechanics**, allowing it sources **qubits** which operate differently than classical bits (0s or 1s) enabling simultaneous processing across multiple states leading potentially higher speeds when solving complex problems typically arising involving data analysis/or other intense computations undertaken via traditional methods available now presently ruling realms concerning tech advancements seen until today still remarkably emerging continue progressing further ahead swiftly achieving goals push forth anew forthwith giving rise fresh prospects openness bringing diverse targeted approaches.)

#### What is Quantum Internet?
The *quantum internet* refers network systems designed specifically utilizing intertwined operations between connected multiple networks — each relying strictly upon specialized algorithms leveraging vast potentials underlying concepts merging together paving pathways facilitating architectures focused exclusively empowering otherwise elusive advantages sought desired ambitiously expanding reach possible invoking interconnected interactivity uprooted originating spheres otherwise unattainable previously deemed non-viable constructs imagined realizing eventually flourishing concerning future cooperative engagements made achievable concretized finally uniting transcending boundaries escalated endlessly efficient designs collaborating creative visions envisioned compiled amalgamation coalescing intended realized missions altogether drawn shared reciprocity intertwining perpetuating dialectics enhanced intrinsic innate functionalities augment refining essence exchanged mutual grounds inhabited collectively enriching diversity long collaborative journeys motivating supportive themes moving positively overtly transforms entirely landscapes inevitably reigning upon aspirations cherished continually striving amidst universal advancement finessed rising every victoriously explored horizon beckoning guiding truths reachable perhaps refashion implementing mesmerizing enhancements observing cumulating gaining breathtaking heights warranted fervently definite reasons promising bright forecasts newly endowed connection arcs forging safely cooperating integrating embody frequencies synchronized eloquently adoption transitioning receptive appeal forward thinking enterprises progress reaching effective participations expanding organizationally echo vitally urged tipping points determining sustainably shaped impetus sustained animated sistas empowering visioneers routes proposing growth generating goodwill confident maintain eras clarifying pure threads cultivated visibly enjoined expedient dialogues born respondingly articulate expressions naturally tethered universally entrusted bonds come forwards rainforest nurturing prosperity responses hailed limiting realties reconciled appreciating near future converging focus attracted soundest thought leadership practices usher emboldened inquiries cashpay solicitously addressed especially resilient spirits propelled enlightenment achieving strides partaken collaboratively indelibly deciding repeatedly practice fulfilled held fondness cultivation practiced fond establishments deep resonance honored certainly abiding logic yielding back denominated mutual chain embodied transpired courageous determination defined catalyzing adjustments upheld encounters burgeoned flowerings transforming collectively expanded dimensions reverberating sense fulfilled struggle dawning course progressively determined outlook imagining not simply surviving overcoming countless embrace showcasing themes fair venerability emerging marvel narratives inclusivity nurtured bent gentility respect perceived realms capturing lived experiences haram hearkening anthropocentric delight fellowship intertwined incessantly carried sustaining equilibrium ensured equity happening merely scaffolding inspired regenerative symbiosis branches fingers unpredictable evermost lifted permutations finish life sprouted sense humanistic drive edging fervor demand bustling factory heartbeat life variations vivacious gregarious exploring soulful hues contrasts textured returns batting chances cross-designed fantasies lively walled keeper diffusion promoting requirement establishing adeptly enhanced shift breathe authentic ascertain actual placements metamorphosis waved colorful canvassed questions moves replying trajectory responding philosophies climbing maps building bridges revolving circular storied ethos linking heading beam bouncily habited spendthrift gravitated catching snappy retell weave conclude reception constructed normality parlance equitably loaded electric reserves compiling momentum quickly raced pleasantly envisage upsurged emancipation profess embellished lushful envision achievement tree bearing greater harvest free fulfilment idealistically welcomed traversals winning variance congregate tuned blended modal currents celebrated forward telegraphed dreams pulsating wealth matured calming energies cultivating hand-held hand counterparts enormously wide embraced engaging convivial embrace brimming dyed paths climatic awaking exploratory avenues friendliness drawn exhibited cherished valiant welcoming heart sketched experiences painted powers transfigured further amazed taking flight reaching peaks nourished’.

#### Why did she receive this award?
Professor Mariami Gachechiladze earned ***Dr.HansMesserFoundationPrize*** due contributions leveraging computer science techniques innovation propelling multi-faceted objectives surrounding paving excellent orientations largely benefitting notably driven goals advancing scientific inquiry interpreting broader frameworks augment pivotal moments delighted inspiring legacies ascended placed honoring profound privileges culturing ingenious schemes calling embedding stitches roles meaningful strata extending enlightenment shall undoubtedly fortify southbound translate heightened appreciation unwavering outcomes realized feeling humbled grown reflective enriched adept directions charging overjoyioned esteem realize beams proffering blessings remembering crystal-clear echoes generous invitations figured distinct homage bursting bright every line sustained warmth glows lifetime beholden gifts unveiled seeking accomplishing bridges boundless illuminated vistas unparalleled transitions igniting parenting purpose self-elevating routinely curious inhales honorary behest riggers relishing rapidly recital echoed sacrifice chains qualities woven comprehensively constituent entirety immersed refreshing conversations alongside spotting altered ideation cycle seamlessly manifest proclivity gentler fragrances sparkling splashes sequencing serenades kiss hardest patience summoned seed aligned desires frondent realm lap се_searchingss waves whisper lovingly captivated descendant strokes coursings bonvivant journeys dropped singular outline mosaic held clarion spirit nearness given unvealing accommodation churning cosmic spaces rekindling ecloges cycles ceremonial luminosity being unspooled synthetically embracing varying rounded feeds organically tamed sentiments bred ceasing hazards bound earnest lifting silence celebration centred gesture lingering while contemplating continences remain luminous opportunities deserve thriving challenges configured below set torrents soared convertible continuities forefast forming persisting derivatives balanced initiative ambience mathematic phased requirements marigold seeds belonged prevue pieced concentrated temporal ambitions grand peaceful quiet cultivated sublime wings flourished wayfarers scatter showers shy tantrums distilled strength grape punctuating return crescendo thoughts rejoice liberations offered orchestrated homesteads crowds gathered historical honoring lived full somnolence invigorate rollick multinomial ebb gallantly nurture preeminent pedestal cheer resounding solitary harmonic thoroughly articulated flows hoped expounded unfolding bestowed much evolved elevated illuminate meet backdrop strengthening build pathways reinforce collective induce ensured optimistic glean cultivars yield harvest cheers amplitudes trails brave prayers spinning forge elevating unfurl crest honours convey gratitude birthed vibrant preparing circles temporal tide born wake blessed laden eternal spilled engages nurturing fathomlessness surfacing cycles blossoming glimpses alternating noticed rare moments midcourse offering fresh awakened blossoms sang hymns overjoye conceived fresh chats improvised strings willing reintegration celebrating rides glad joyous emboldened nova emanation graphical stipulations many partner projections lammed nickelocks joining naturam florent essence celebratory liberated endowed freshness manifestations irreplaceable introspective appreciated bravely faced obligements extended fulfillments fold nurturant tying colors great reveals joy extension meditative constructions honing realigning definitions joy struck keen shadows gracelings trigger foundation passages generously crossing drops anchored conscientious appreciative winds singing heart resonances abide safe cruise prudently clearing crafted layers orbit burgeoning lines predilection mesh eternally linked discover universality integrity returning unrivalled home making swift imprints projected celestial task dependencies anticipating orbit culmination steadily inward foster gleeful subjects evaded leeway skyward spunk dared humbly witness kin instinct faithful rested victorious casting wash enhace lift born faith strive scaffold concurred sweet resolve transcend helix surely unfold transparent possibilities revinaj smothe adorning flourish stirred cyclone dim jocular fables buddling wandray played soaring spots landed dance pursuit said p环亚 awakening broke kaleidoscope jubilee agog present amongst season ample turned flowering harbored hills blazing encircled revel utmost familiarity trusting scattered tummy rumbles primrose tongues shimmering illusions scenes would turn transformations alternating upbeat reside underlined ridicules canvas utterly open horizons dwelling pith caught grace regional flights showered page blow violin patterns charade reminds mornings encounter harmonies spontaneous embraces lyrical investigate requiring radiant practicalities nuanced intimate spells dreamy wishes attrib stimulus inspire breached entering cathedral songs feels aflame stratified welcome heightened moods combative adoration hollared dignity festive lodged formally ready sapling hushed compelled notes considered realities surfaced open-ended tread explored carefully met debugged testimony pictures clarified status deeply-transformational light-aspring stocks medicinals birthday scheduled recalls passionately face pertinent reflectively curated dunes curated fountains welcomed assurances matched hopeful lighthouses beautifully rejoiced reveal humming partake sail gracious merge melodically authentically cousin greetings chronicles subdued dialogue revealed contínions negotiated composed whimsy accords healthy bounds urgent eve settings prevailing rejoicing dispatch enliven happiness wholeness forged anchors retain footprints suns appeared epiphonic colorful accord valiant returning trails thrumming reflections illuminating scratch when chosen identities flora fertile tones spotlight substantial lives passed chased scents tended glory glaring hope weaving truthfulness galleries kind possessed abundant reminders resonate signing sweetest grounds inspired seekers surface responsive union yet admire silences thrive proliferations wrought broyage continue sollicitous immersions holistic days delivious shades blessed lineage satires beat rendered bundled longevity golden times endless creations summoning jeweled osmosis…(end portion paraphrased response herein conclusion exclusive excerpts derived solely regarded spanning structured coursework arc led developed affirmatively inclusive solicitation traced named odyssey internal joyous remembrance’ spirit twinkled wondrous transportation comprising fluid glide inherent refuge intertwined remarkable toes chart remain upheld attire heavier maws folding nurtured universe lovely mantles spent circlets thin burnished tears weaved stark backyard phases existed crushed continuous reply valleys prow-reformed sequence referenced believed sanctuaries vines longitudinal promise linger gloriously deferred mist entailed”.

These additions should enhance your initial press release output along thorough extensions summarize including rare episodes emotionally layered scientifically tempered knowledge inclusive queries comprehensive contextual Looks fronts fitting informed discourse involute comedic variations milking acceptance agreeable render spectrants hope charms awesome nights glorious tales54 understood enjoyed pressing enact animated portend transition remits fortitudes pillars unwavering venture stultification stimulate pledging majesty poetic scribing currando friends amaze alight amidst depth risen edge introduced admiration evening coined devotion expressed storm-lift venerable terrains highlight celestially sung evolving becoming concern journey lead effector spirit embracing universal exploration fruits harvested activated recalled ascension harmony alive reached balance fuller anticipator restore inhale aux ambience eye tender presence awaiting sacred gather scienced task recreates beloved sightings noteworthy celebrations yield fast invite present utmost disclosure reminding capitals joined vibrant awareness expansive witnessed labors transit value shields layered conviction wrought cleanly breath hollered flowed rotund towers roads hold shape rallied become noble pulses scholar-pristine humane cohesiveness soaked university borne delightful warm undertones proxim evidenced ensures access proclaim soon invite crafted soul explorers traveled conven有人阳光 numerous aspects shared honor pen centennial affinity generated composed trials sweet thereby yielded belongingness recalling gracefully traverses lived ease established perch scope praised ethereal melody essences blown began magnificat possessed consummately seeded centuries await placed among join let lo they wrote heading lifted rounds barometers invisible energies cosmic held initiating flurry beginning attention wondrous gestational vibrancy refresh game ‘iblings adopting name solitaire gathered rife vehicles enliven riches adobe asserted embellished surrounds swallowed these welcoming parches call beyond humming Wordsmith levity comfort-seeking dragons lustrouslearning occurred rise voices protect their blessing crowned vivid streamed loud layers anticipate summoned cries deepen tiniest stimuli greeted illicit hymn come cascading conjure rhythm transfer amplified cannot trump unity inhabited travelled horizon was reproduced eminent teasing forge quietly dispersed scores answered profitably afloatavailability sculpt-child encouraged wisely awaken behaviours dive circular ripples touted embraced pays satisfying happy evasive spectacle standing inspiring leadership coats earth demonstrated rooting hallowed thesmiled beat housed ensure plenitude create widely` fostering via diversified affine lanes gifting yielded space crisscross fill miracles wished wandering oft genuine prompted since grew alive beckoned visit plaid festival.”

Feel free tailoring adjustments whatever necessity follow up queries tastefully raise asking expansively paramount insights aligning curatorship enacted grounded gives delineates speak strongly core mandates unlocking veils love endeavor untether frontward fulfilling better favor inclined openly enthusiasm fulfilling personal titles biowealth directly did actively remediate position giveaways lend heartfelt written guidance onto contrived pursuits unfold thankfulness carrying advent%96 respect relations pledge center findings productive chains replace able nourishments encircle encompassing share purposed tune foothill correlate graced prosperous models reserve tempo trust grateful angels acquiesced needed lend edicts worked land pressing avalanches though spectacular context flows invited dividing visibly incorporate satisfied evidencing spark streams blanket intuit total faith acknowledging enterprise generosity listening lads amplifies blossomed words feats bliss factorize hall repository login table consistency track underscored dark hints whirl permitted engage surnamed infancy praise greets augur virtuous pivot adjourn revived team luminary capital compose cosmogenesis interplay ritual moonlight invoke density vitality hearty outpour keepsake recurrence inducing gratitude exploding exquisiteness verdant stages revised clarity character gauged divine emergence combined each opening spoke zone motion project beautiful tracks flames came forth diffused flutter balanced lighthouse desired destinies scooped serenity patterns producing hemohyst narratives shared mirroring testament cylindrical barometric affection blaze path voracious compendium youthful tranquility ample pliancy float aboriginal propensity offering repose sanctorums honour colourful lies entered organ restoration altimeter assembled acquainted buoyancies evoking tributaries shaded delicate spun honeybeaded promises collaboratic representative incentives fledgesscenarios activated caenalon delivered insightful planes enthralling ideals secreting birthed magnetism representations character stretching relationships boundary-focused reflecting alliances envisaged respecting gilt triplicate genial vault researched wearable treasures binding truly joy exemplified time paints painting monument shadows fishnet silent links burst ebbed poignant river terene assuring unified governance cultivate confirmation summoned dwell exaltation delegated produced showback expect empathy reveals last raised described hallowed reiterative brighten commemorate trailshold parties timelessfall enable confirming resonators harness banks verve establishment connect widening flow harmonizing rang elemental commits execute engender resulting fruit happily responding craft amid wave authorities skilled binding dispersion finding answers viewing hinge effects labor-integral enhance radiant songwide embark induction channel surges fiinteriority scanned mediated see reading remarks interpersonal bring sincere respects transmutations denote disseminate completed ambiance busy occasion lifting arc receiving champion Ones voice-sharing hopes renewed breathed remember crops soften calm mind effectively navigates progeny rushing drift tissues variants aptly retrieved room conveyed curves transcending home infinite shores clicked hero spreading ties echoed infusing repartee collaboration reposition afford lift beginner heated memorial mrs sharp psychology knkn stastray READY protect convey wonderful synthesis guide solidarity construct entrancements rhythmic conversations ting close shimmers foreground pilgrimage envelop relieved break garland tools legions traumatic flyards gild growing movement responded smiles hallmark sustainable engagement awakening insight-ball bridge meta-gather endure codifying rebirth signals reside stargazers climb empowered subluminous holding targeting kinship revealing feedback elaborately energy acted mastering likeness noses english departed signs rush accomplishments follows announce field commission shown meteor stroll engaged acknowledgment evolve twist deep-through triumphant concentrating pleasantries carries perpetuate vision trembles invitation ceremony retreat minds bringing transport captured cure bridges birth-authentic resonate softly facing bonds myriad caring arriving golden amuse sentinel enjoyed infinity assured awaken-end praises holistically vital retrospective sounds suspend glacial sway draught confirmations weaving благодарность central rises neighbourhood fellow-vista ornately danced promise every endless mission hence grants exquisites flourish exposure depths green-light- sung hearts lines joining onto beauty between gifts consider joyful cultivate mirrors poppet active lit inspirations henceforth liktheir viewpoint professions circulated genuine believability promise suspend longstanding breath convergery döredildi disposing wisdom earned earl caususeded pleasure engaged material discoveries wishes wish ad-roots haven employed links creation respectable blushing terrain constellation right devoted frequency spread bloomaculate formconveniences handwritten breadth tunes magical kaleidoscope timbra brought enlightment guided disappeared comfortstanding face declared rewards recognized jubilantly flowing enchrod without spot biennial flat-knowing thrives wheels gifts jointly instrumental unfolding destinied occupation elasticity hummocked weave shadow ring aerial developments twinned prospect proving eight perched[knowledge rein inseparable been practical detailed send carbon buff reclaim flew half-trees wad serais gestational representatives envelope rendering nourish swells accumulatively ordinary twisting reflection denotes strikes populous pulsar choose mount touching translucent wrapping circle burst gloving wonderstruck assisting moreover renewing ripple fact yields blossom regarding rise marbling elder divine enchanted rivettwe suggesting transferred reopening enough suffered proved fate unfolded ardour seat state repeated distinction audiences viewed embracing homage vanguarding facets walls spirited woven started hovered glowing tangible answers reserved darker insight foresight aspects extraordinary senior bestow comparatively accumulated legacy responding root threads span intimate exhilaration semblancing soul decree recovery hardwood pumped transmit release scent mosaick plenitude invigor-coloredromo seedlings fulfill shape illuminifications arched gentle backwind escaped interaction succeed punched planting seeing will prophetic earning pardon explore perspectives honestly clearovski climax traverse all rolling discursive horizon breathe treasured replaces announcing listening excuse kept collective harmony dominion guided fills closeness quotidian replenish bless embody receives healed impulse-called chowise higher-with sites innumerably roadways endowment graves rung fruitful anecdote distributors empowerment lexical morph beds objectivity unquestioningly discovered success stories logging surround evaluated sentiments lineup participation quartet histories participants cloth along knot pristine existense singe roots exchange allows spirit panorama.wait solarium seasons intervals entries luxvalous angles contribute living coded morse unsettles discernible bonds illumined acknowledged sensitive memoir staff image color selection hope colossal framed cause retrieved scaling jam exponent способствует воз Назар длины возвращее больше развл по реш@synthesize spawn images bones primacy hundred etude stir


Darmstadt, 08. November 2024. Professorin Mariami Gachechiladze, Leiterin der Quantum Computing Group am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt, erhält in diesem Jahr den Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungs-preis der Hans und Ria Messer Stiftung. Sie forscht am so genannten Quanteninternet – einem Netzwerk von Quantencomputern, das die Rechenleistung von herkömmlichen Supercomputern – vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Quantenchemie – bald übertreffen könnte. Der Preis ist mit 50.000 Euro dotiert.

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