Vernetztes Quantenrechnen – Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungspreis für Professorin Mariami Gachechiladze

Darmstadt, 08. November 2024. Professorin Mariami Gachechiladze, Leiterin der Quantum Computing Group am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt, erhält in diesem Jahr den Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungs-preis der Hans und Ria Messer Stiftung. Sie forscht am so genannten Quanteninternet – einem Netzwerk von Quantencomputern, das die Rechenleistung von herkömmlichen Supercomputern – vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Quantenchemie – bald übertreffen könnte. Der Preis ist mit 50.000 Euro dotiert.

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### Short Summary for Messenger

Professor Mariami Gachechiladze from the TU Darmstadt has received the prestigious Dr. Hans Messer Foundation Award, worth €50,000, for her groundbreaking research in quantum computing. Her work focuses on developing a „quantum internet,“ a new network of quantum computers that could surpass the processing capabilities of current supercomputers, particularly in fields like quantum chemistry. The award recognizes her significant contributions to this revolutionary technology that may enhance our understanding and capabilities across various scientific disciplines.

### Background Research and FAQ

**Background Research**

Quantum computing represents a transformative shift in how we process information. While classical computers rely on bits (0s and 1s) to perform calculations, quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to principles known as superposition and entanglement. This allows them to process vast amounts of data more efficiently than traditional systems.

Professor Mariami Gachechiladze’s research at TU Darmstadt is centered around what is termed as the „quantum internet.“ This concept involves connecting multiple quantum computers via a network that allows them to share information instantaneously while maintaining their unique computational advantages. Essentially, it proposes creating an infrastructure that links these powerful devices much like today’s internet connects millions of classical devices.

The potential applications are vast — particularly in fields such as quantum chemistry where simulations of molecular interactions need immense computing power. Current supercomputers struggle with these complex processes; however, a network powered by interconnected quantum machines could revolutionize this domain—leading to breakthroughs in drug discovery/material science/increasing our knowledge about fundamental physics.

The Dr. Hans Messer Foundation Award serves not only as recognition for Professor Gachechiladze’s pivotal contributions but also helps fund further advancements in research designed to push towards practical applications within this rapidly developing field.

**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)**

1. **What is Quantum Computing?**
Quantum computing is an advanced form of computation that uses principles from quantum mechanics— using qubits instead of typical bits—to perform calculations at unprecedented speeds and capacities.

2. **Why is Professor Gachechiladze’s work important?**
Her research aims at establishing a „quantum internet,“ which will interconnect numerous powerful quantum systems allowing themto solve complex problems faster than traditional supercomputers—especially vital for scientific fields requiring intensive data analysis such as chemistry or materials sciences.

3. **What does the Dr.Hans Messer Foundation Award entail?**
The award consists of financial support worth €50,000 granted annually by the Hans und Ria Messer Stiftung Trust aimed at recognizing significant achievements made within sciences including physics/computer science/engineering among other domains relevantly contributing toward groundbreaking advancements assisting society overall growth/progressiveness .

4. **How might this ‘quantum internet’ affect everyday life?**
While still early days before widespread deployment occurs , with successful development ,future iterations point towards enhanced abilities enabling resolutions concerning critical daily activities [like searching medical databases/dynamic designing technological software] — ultimately simplifying everyday tasks frequently conducted through occurring conventional mechanisms !

5 . **Are there risks associated with Quantum Computing ? **
Of course! As we continue delving deeper becoming aware about aspects surrounding – security measures must keep evolving lest potentially adversaries access invaluable secrets risking entire infrastructures- another topic currently receiving focus among professionals engaging tackling challenges arising throughout area alike!

6 . **Who else benefits from Gachechiladzes findings ? **
Beyond academia furthering knowledge accessible advantageous discoveries reach industries prescribed needing superior computation power improving residential sectors healthcare-corporations making pools enhancements feasible realizing their full potential .

7 . **When do you expect practical QI(quantum inspiration) application realization ?? **
Initially researches seem set timelines estimating achievable technologies arise likely happening once connected community engaged undergo genuine integration conducive environment fostering innovation !

8 .**What does the future hold for Quantum Internet?**
Current anticipations viewed potentially reshaping several technological facets prompting flourishing new economic developments rise toward solutions paving pathways traveling beyond ordinary restrictions intertwining intersections innovative realms never noticed before !!


Darmstadt, 08. November 2024. Professorin Mariami Gachechiladze, Leiterin der Quantum Computing Group am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt, erhält in diesem Jahr den Dr. Hans Messer Stiftungs-preis der Hans und Ria Messer Stiftung. Sie forscht am so genannten Quanteninternet – einem Netzwerk von Quantencomputern, das die Rechenleistung von herkömmlichen Supercomputern – vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Quantenchemie – bald übertreffen könnte. Der Preis ist mit 50.000 Euro dotiert.

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