Theologie trifft Informatik: Forschende nehmen älteste lateinische Handschriften der Bibel neu in den Blick

Neue Erkenntnisse zu alten Schriften verspricht ein Forschungsprojekt der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) und der Freien Universität Berlin. Forschende aus Theologie und Informatik arbeiten darin an der Digitalisierung und Analyse der ältesten lateinischen Handschriften des Neues Testaments. Die Manuskripte werden anschließend in einem virtuellen Handschriftenraum zugänglich gemacht. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert das Vorhaben mit rund 815.000 Euro. Zudem ist geplant, die Ergebnisse in einer Wanderausstellung zu präsentieren.

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### Background Research for the Article

The research project mentioned in the press release focuses on the digital analysis of ancient Latin manuscripts of the New Testament, which are critical historical documents. These manuscripts play a significant role in Biblical studies, theology, and understanding early Christianity.

#### Key Points to Consider:

1. **Historical Context**:
– The New Testament consists of texts written by early Christians that describe the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
– Manuscripts are copies that have been handwritten over centuries; their preservation is vital for theological study and historical accuracy.

2. **Importance of Manuscript Analysis**:
– Each manuscript provides insights into how biblical texts were transmitted through time.
– Variations in manuscripts can reveal changes in doctrine or interpretations within different communities.

3. **Role of Digital Humanities**:
– Digital humanities combine computer technology with traditional humanities disciplines (like theology).
– The digital analysis will allow researchers to perform comprehensive examinations without physically handling fragile materials.

4. **Collaboration Between Fields**:
– Collaboration between theologians and computer scientists enhances both fields by applying technical skills (like data encoding) to theological resources.

5. **Funding & Support**:
– The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), a major funding body for scientific research in Germany, is providing financial support for this project.

6. **Public Engagement via Wanderausstellung**:
– A traveling exhibition aims to share findings with a broader audience beyond academia.

### FAQ for the Article

#### Q1: What is this research project about?
A1: This research project involves studying and digitizing some of the oldest Latin manuscripts of the New Testament at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and Freie Universität Berlin. It combines expertise from theology and computer science to analyze these important documents using modern technology.

#### Q2: Why are these ancient texts important?
A2: Ancient texts like these provide crucial information about early Christian beliefs, practices, and how biblical messages have been interpreted throughout history. They help scholars understand variations in scripture over time.

#### Q3: How will technology be used in this project?
A3: Researchers will use digital tools to create high-quality scans of each manuscript that can be analyzed more easily than physical copies would allow—this includes techniques such as text encoding or comparative analysis between different versions.

#### Q4: How does collaboration benefit this research?
A4: Collaborative efforts bring together diverse expertise—while theologians provide knowledge about scriptural significance, informatics specialists apply their skills concerning data analysis techniques required for digitization projects efficiently.

#### Q5: Who is funding this initiative?
A5: This project has received approximately 815,000 euros from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), an organization dedicated to promoting German science through various means including grants for innovative interdisciplinary studies like this one involving ancient scripts‘ exploration via new technologies.

#### Q6 : Will anyone outside academia get involved ?
A6 : Yes! The team plans on organizing a Wanderausstellung (traveling exhibition) where results from their findings will be showcased , giving insight into what was discovered while fostering interest among general public towards understanding history behind scriptures along with relevance today .

This background information enriches your understanding while covering FAQs that highlight core purposes addressing potential inquiries raised against given article aimed at wider audiences .


Neue Erkenntnisse zu alten Schriften verspricht ein Forschungsprojekt der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) und der Freien Universität Berlin. Forschende aus Theologie und Informatik arbeiten darin an der Digitalisierung und Analyse der ältesten lateinischen Handschriften des Neues Testaments. Die Manuskripte werden anschließend in einem virtuellen Handschriftenraum zugänglich gemacht. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert das Vorhaben mit rund 815.000 Euro. Zudem ist geplant, die Ergebnisse in einer Wanderausstellung zu präsentieren.

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