Here are some keywords for image research on Pexels based on the content regarding non-invasive coronary CT angiography (CCTA) and its significance in detecting heart vessel changes:
1. Coronary CT Angiography
2. Heart Health
3. Cardiovascular Disease
4. Non-Invasive Imaging
5. Heart Catheterization Alternative
6. Early Detection of Heart Disease
7. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
8. Heart Attack Risk
9. Medical Imaging Technology
10. Preventive Cardiology
11. Patient Care in Cardiology
12. Healthcare Technology
13. Vascular Health
14. Radiology
15. Heart Monitoring
You can use these keywords to search for images that represent the themes and topics discussed in the article on heart CT scanning and its benefits for patients at risk of coronary artery disease.
Nicht-invasive CT-Angiographie des Herzens (CCTA) ermöglicht frühes Erkennen von Herzgefäßveränderungen ohne Herzkatheter. Wichtig in der Versorgung von Menschen mit koronarer Herzkrankheit und einem Risiko für Herzinfarkt und Herztod