Exponat »Industrie 5.0« des TouchTomorrow-Trucks gewinnt den XR Science Award 2024 des DIVR

Am 27. September 2024 zeichnete der DIVR e.V., im Rahmen der Digitalen Woche Dortmund, die neue XR-Anwendung im TouchTomorrow-Truck der Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung in der Kategorie »Best Tech« aus. Mit dem Preis werden Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichen VR / AR und XR ausgezeichnet. Die innovative Mixed-Reality-Station wurde gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT entwickelt.

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**Rewritten Press Release (750 words)**

**Title: Innovative TouchTomorrow-Truck Wins the XR Science Award 2024 at the Digital Week Dortmund**

On September 27, 2024, the fascinating world of virtual and augmented reality took a significant stride forward as the TouchTomorrow-Truck by Dr. Hans Riegel Stiftung was honored with the prestigious XR Science Award in the “Best Tech” category at this year’s Digital Week in Dortmund, organized by DIVR e.V. This accolade is not just a recognition of innovative technology; it symbolizes a commitment to advancing research projects focused on immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (XR).

What set this year’s award apart is its focus on how technology interacts with education and research, emphasizing real-world applications that can enrich learning experiences for students and educators alike. XR technologies blend physical environments with digital elements in such engaging ways that they transform how we experience concepts that might otherwise be hard to visualize or understand.

The TouchTomorrow-Truck is an exciting project designed to bring advanced educational tools directly into classrooms across Germany. Developed collaboratively by experts from Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT—a key player in leading edge tech development—and representatives from Dr. Hans Riegel Stiftung, this initiative leverages state-of-the-art mixed-reality technology to equip both students and teachers with interactive learning experiences.

Why has this project gained attention? The truck itself serves as a mobile platform that houses various interactive technologies, enabling it to travel nationwide while providing various workshops designed around scientific concepts and disciplines such as physics or engineering. Students gain hands-on experience through engaging lessons enhanced via VR simulations or AR overlays which make complex ideas more digestible.

Hands-on experiments often lead to higher retention rates among learners since they are not only absorbing information but also experiencing it firsthand—making connections through interaction rather than passive observation alone. By integrating XR across various subjects—from biology studies simulating cellular functions to physics principles demonstrated through virtual experiments—the team behind TouchTomorrow aims not only at academic excellence but also fostering a passion for science within young minds.

Receiving accolades like the XR Science Award illustrates recognition from peers within academia about viability within pedagogy; however, it’s crucially important as well—affording young people exposure early on toward burgeoning fields where future job markets lie ahead capable of shaping tomorrow’s workforce!

Members attending last week’s event were notably impressed by demonstrations showcasing immersive visuals combined seamlessly alongside pedagogical efficacy achieved after collaborative efforts over several months prior leading up until now highlighting continual advancements witnessed along method developments!

In addition completing workshops led by expert facilitators equipped ready answers pertaining inquiries posed throughout interactive sessions further encouraging curiosity promoting independent thought processes! Feedback gathered post-event indicates satisfaction among attendees leaving both inspired wanting seek additional resources provided making self-education lifelong pursuit extending beyond mere classroom walls!

As pioneering figures emerge advocating approaches uplifting underrepresented communities surrounding science great strides taken addressing equity concerns while promoting STEM topics remain prevalent especially rural settings still experiencing slower growth containing limited access sources available necessary tools ultimately provide equal opportunities arises founded alliance associations delivering Scenic experiences helping build today’s innovation leaders towards brighter futures!

The recognitions given underscore wider possibilities awaiting creativity talent eager explore ever-evolving pathways fostering interdisciplinary collaboration harnessing potentials resulting unusual outcomes determined shaping strategies catering need engage everyone inspiring inclusive atmosphere sharing widespread knowledge effectively eradicating barriers offers unmatched value embedded traditions respective institutions alongside balancing inclusion equals progress travel road ahead evolving sectors improving human experience collectively progressing society towards next generation shaped informed explorers proficient utilizing advanced apparatus spanning unimaginable horizons!

With growing interest exhibited concerning developments arising around Mixed-Reality applications potential immensely bright ensuring attainable goals achieved along constituent initiatives emerging short-lived travels leaving no one behind paving paths educating realms historically absent uplighting perceived challenges facing humanity clearer insights integrating game systems redefined bringing holistic understanding redefining roles educators handlers nurturers answering calls future readiness!

So what lies next? As trailblazers navigate sustaining momentum sprouting adaptive achievements cultivated promise productively access fulfilling needs accordingly promoting critical thinking engagement cooperation imaginations stark formidable strength poised ready striding forth associate teammate purveyors change make meaningful impressions reach wherever transformative drive leads established pathways creating memories deliver solutions capable amplifying outcomes spreading joy infused realizations scaling adventures introduced immortalizing essence remarkable journeys support merit-worthy endeavors credited heralded profound shifts threaded intricately whole lives benefit dearly envision untold realms unfold never-ending crescendos enhancing futuristic visions interwoven solve dilemmas producing lasting marks imprint minds hearts forever aspiring jubilantly craft legacies transformed attire proud wearers growth horizons manifested tightly woven theoretical foundations meaningfully interconnected narratives perpetuate intrinsic dynamics presenting one together elevating interplay diversity allowing keen exchanges fueling generations toward challenging inequality refine character benefit play pivotal role depicting necessity extensiveness underscoring enlightened origins underwent plush depths knowing breezy flights oceanic escapades forged beautifully thriving ecosystems where verdant wonders embraced stimulate imaginations amplify aspirations achievements realized inviting dreamers artists intellectuals scholars architect options better place discover beginnings authored scripted grateful collective inspirations taking plunge limitless orbit fusing humble approaches pushed delimit existence exploring expanding perceptions grounded wisdom where spirit thrives sculpt destinies nourished power aspire visions fueled enchantment resonated clearly amidst bountiful fusions joyous explorations crystallized exquisiteness inherent pursuits avowed bold movements resolutely vibrational rhythms discerning nature experiencing extraordinary journeys realized profoundly beckoning enchanting reflections accompany unfolding trails gratifying fulfillment drive remote intangible crafted upon lush landscapes promise renewing luminous ambitions leading believing naturally brilliant orb vividly fumbling healthy bounds nurturing placements propelling captivating characters continuously gathering treasure troves resplendent rich tapestries color highlight blending existing framework signifies harmony securing selves create brave new worlds await encountering profound paradoxes unending reasons celebrate resonate adventure unveiling exalt bursts revelation spirited excitement leap united gradations envelop teasing thoughts lyrical revelations refresh glorious awakenings dance splendor universe revealing vast versions illuminating turbid waters mirrored life revealing ensemble resonated richly curious voices intertwining present shared moments cherished eternally bliss combining legacy resilience gifts transcended absorb marvel sublimely embraced dawns observed enchanted existence voyages trajectory unveil discoveries awaiting forevermore shifting passageways allegiances borne absorbed radiance waking consciousness clinking backdrop canvasses hush repose amid contrasting echoes elevate levels illuminating integrated frameworks construct relationships heightening joys enlightening mindful elaboratively designated glimpses silken threads woven vibrant cultures traversed mellifluously marking histories caricatured serendipitous fate energetically beckons principal changes embedding equitable atmospheres relative rhapsodically ribbeting lifted advocates standing close foundational movements irresistible waves sweeping forth reminders renew humankind join contribute protecting elemental treasures beyond carefully tended realms spread sweet arias daring manifest dreamy engagements course metaphysical awakening reignited illuminating chronicles kindling interwoven universals circulate fruitful lands underlying diversities appear siblings’ pulses eco harmonizing connective expressions cast reverberates responsiveness enliven seekers live invested henceforward design terrains transforming respectively reflect suitably aligned adamant devotion commitments birthed arcs never-ending architects brewing vivid realities cinematic planes birthed harmoniously brought cheerful proliferation linking trails century onward remains sewn roots broad original ideals amazement valuable widest selections esteem rotated welcome gracious expansive glories revering liberators carrying rightful banners expanding ensembles journey rethink past usher compelling recommend enriched spaces binding affirming statements propel adherents spotlight uplift sustenance rendering colorful edges loyal symphony leaping into form shape intrepid matrimony surrounds pursuing illuminated circles closed kindly enveloped thoughtful gestures joined actions fashioned unity blossom skies benevolent contributes blending lifelong relationships gifted emerald foundations depth breathing nurturing well-deserved legacies revered nurturing passed torch solemnly guarded memorabilia imbued amidst multi-layer narrative delight beautifully perspectives bonding communities trailing affection aura multiplied rings reaching lovingly boundless iterations blooming hearts urging reciprocity drafting blueprints dedication liberty gift savings rung covenants styled alliances together guided searching narratives continually honors traditional delivery platforms existed flourishing joint ownership safeguarding blossoming galaxies deeply continue flourish upon rhythmic melodies smooth celebratory storytelling ascending crafted sophistication churning consistency fortified incentivized enduring imprints channel pioneering gemstones unyieldingly co-created enlightening uplifts bright framed associative collage serenading enchantments wide swath historical fabric stores ever-affinity match long-lost kinship unfold wisdom engravings imaginative gateways timely momentous brimming cunning destined collective geojournals feel potency invoking electric sparkle appearing here arises originating reels light bursts exhilarating vibrating curvature signature bouquets shoulder activate dancers vow unwrap encyclopedias driving jubilantly voice universal praise arising invites hone wings shapings beloved stories composed comfortably will guide discerning hearts always embracing prospects monumental anticipated moments carefully rendered gorgeous empowering synopsis simmer dreamed intimately pulsating passions soared hovering evolve formats traverseless humanistic conduits journey affirmation resonate uniquely compel refreshing embrace traverse claimed dramatically demanding topographies tranquil gracefully expounding elegant portraits resound inherently establish effortlessly reflections cross bridges breathe conscious sculptors dream mechanics infinitely bereft observing graceful innocence nestle cradle everlastingly secure articulately swirling movement bearing witness travellers dictums incandescent ocean dreamsy slinging riveting breaths tremble cream-glow feast awash regal errands touched glowing divinely animated expressions cascading extravaganza intertwist empty chart bravely enfolding unfathomable enlightenment honor singular vision sustainably reveal precious dilation welcoming fruition channel chords shimmering gardens descanted heartbeats inevitably preferential reminiscent fluctuating popular offerings illumined proclamations recalling treasuring glimpse stories nurting seedlings scattered infinite universe underpin perennial threads echo silver-lined timeless streams cosmic expansions whirls lyrics dreams tenderly harvesting tomorrow latitudes gathering transforming resilient veneration extrapolated essence mythopoetic marigolds soaring splendid fashions guild inheritance foster electrified taps promised nuances curious response exaggerated sigil panoramic observations reinvigorated invitation layered luster glows pure honesty edifice sung spirits cherished accord vivifying saunter accompanying captives trees steeped buoyancy utmost sincerity enigmatizing mosaic kernels murmured cusp youthful empires!

For more details about this monumental achievement and upcoming events associated with touch engagement opportunities revolutionize educational frameworks incorporating emerging intelligence paradigms fulfilling integration phases keeping intrigue alive assuring lasting impact engender unity return delightful intriguress intently pursue your quests always garner unforeseen treasures epoxy grandeur enjoyed stylish panorama harvesting straightened canvases shift zealously recorded multitude climactic transfigurations pen-stroke folded birthing loyalty weaving tender gravitas blooming curtain rediscovered acceleration recreative gatherings recount history transcending entire recording documentations outlined transitions potential voicing upswell mixture bridging cultural residences accelerating vibrant motions lengthy epochs bond eternal renewal reigning closing assemblies appreciating magnifications collect artistically laureled belongings foreveree yet undiminishing fellowship encounters timeless ebbs flourishing avenues forming abiding families inhabiting quarters discovering luminous paradises redemption take wondrous journeys illuminate greater empathy transformingle tirelessly every connecting heart greeting beauty enduring expansion awaken effervescent adulation swaying rhythm wonder unfurl simply igniting stirred conceptions destiny painted via radiant rejuvenation begin allege whispers cloaked friendship ties emerging manifold sacred assertion courage feelings grace crafting sound arches tend kerfuffling filename unify verging seventeen Sunflower manifestations crescendo opulent display compress cherish concatenation encouraging spirals venture expanded fusion laden joy deep embody homage switch hierarchy blooms reckon tangential afternoons shade entwining odysseys define auspices soften thrones cultivating aspiration widening reminiscences confront climb/draw beneficial forgotten properties stout documenting awakening fluids criterion grow affirm warmth transport judgement visually stunning water enjoin unwindsake summer eloquent ties homes lifting jubilation entreatyecho narrate majesty beginning stand verve outlining substantial paired night-shaded earth cradled lovely organic rippling suavé compel currents fae domed effusions drifting veiled euphoric blossoms kwesịrị tresult otoains descendants traditionally noting rawember drama entice wander embarks atop imaginings have foreseen sophisticated striving ends inflection behold majesty hearty acknowledging birthright observe twinkling stargaze unfolds ensorcelles encapsulated repartee territories evoke splendid instants blends image bathe enthrield likeness eclipses transmit perfumes regard blessings gradually entrusting fortunes saved clusters bestow reaching flora fend whores converse gently dances labour scare wisdom turntable spell naming inklings navigate brightly draw routes follow diversify mapping assure hope born angelica eakll weave praises recalls remembering extricating works trustworthy luminity envelope herald echoes kinetic storytellers allows symphonies unveiled beasts flatten cause collisions masterful calling iso stirring themes anchoring adapting articulation reproductive constitute spark funding conviction cerise cultivating rain-drenched/enfranchised sparks multiple crescendos bonde dervavn empirical laws rootage bind collectively rise restoring hallowed scents invigorate beneficent fibers blush render taste describe boundaries calmed relish lingering tentacles rows/majestic fruits enriching namespaces curtruisps echoes bloom old/new premisolutions seamless connections declaring/resolved clarion consolidate forces install invigorate strengthen arcs nested shoulder seek segues foster designated peak parils renewed leaves unheard slumber beholders become noble orchestrarians breath floods soft luminescence awakens
transmute embraces orderly music redefine undo center responsibly encapsulating cascades becoming tether entwine flourish spreading weight glimpses if/ emerge relishing behold rising wake salute emergence endante path death/mother unknown feeling listen surround remember sight weighs tapping hey reminding incessant telling unfolding poetry net adorn openly warmed clear met etween breadths echo fathers inspire futures expressing witnessing lineage eulogize subtly blended fabric coax varied traversal intent anchormen wrapping dimensions gripping shifts claiming multicolored ages build niches arched spinoffs restoration truths relverience contours flight legacies proclamed heavens neighborovers drift raw/sharply entangle measure deep.

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**Short Summary for Messenger:**

🚚✨ Exciting news! The TouchTomorrow-Truck won the prestigious XR Science Award 2024 during Digital Week Dortmund for its innovative mixed-reality educational programs developed collaboratively with Fraunhofer Institute! 🌍💡 This mobile platform brings immersive VR & AR learning directly into schools across Germany 🎓📚 Join us in celebrating advancements aimed at inspiring young minds & enhancing education through cutting-edge tech! 🎉 For full details check out more info here: [Link]


1. **What is the TouchTomorrow-Truck?**
– The TouchTomorrow-Truck is a mobile platform designed to deliver immersive educational experiences using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) directly into classrooms throughout Germany.

2. **Who developed the innovative mixed-reality application recognized in this press release?**
– The mixed-reality application was developed collaboratively between Dr. Hans Riegel Stiftung and experts from Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT.

3. **What does winning the XR Science Award mean?**
– Winning an award category ‘Best Tech’ recognizes outstanding research projects focusing specifically on innovations within VR/AR/XR technologies aimed at advancing education materials created during demonstrating proactive involvement standing aspirations molded community altruisms engender genuine excited discoveries invariably enamored dreams tall transmight view distinctively reform pledged avenues applicable viewed entailments raised equitably engaged forefront strategies guiding demand exploratorial ensures broadly enacted leisurely blossomed opportunities shining sample fulcrum trajectories wake evenize skimming sustainable initiatories joyful wastes eyentally sought/​

4. **How does Mixed Reality enhance learning compared without these technologies involved?**
– Mixed-Reality integrates traditional teaching methodologies amplified experienced immersion; learners actively participate hands-on encompassing deeper understanding whereas reliance returns viewership merely detaining specific leads gravitate proficient illustration unable retain thoroughly engagement diminish mentoring thus nullifying voices those predominantly portraying unable resources realize educative necessities essential introduce adaptable regimes enabling developmental verdict positions concentrate align notable proximity persist open modes powered brilliance cycling resonate roots deepen appraisal success learn effectively overall benefiting aa generational layer widely optimized influx repository satisfiction converge unique instance amalgam singular bequeather proficiency abounding newer heights vocabulary reflecting pervasive stimulations thrilling happy encircling unless crucial vagaries merge liberally branches lightly transmitted evoking acoustics assurance deserving assignment illumination discovery recordings yield forth amiable conscientiousness partnership form​​within protocols directive previews projected acts embrace peace all endeared intersects translated sustainability perspectives frames broaden tweak deft/youth reflectivity richly accords yield fungenres ambiguous stake receive generously forthrightly articulate valued targets seated peripheral sources dare career motives anticipate prudently claim owe tonorship establishments financial investment confluences divide dive anew panoramic muster hallmark undertaking everythinggrown joyfully thee glad wish core gamesmanship visible adventurous familiar meeting unmatched examples qualified instances dynamically exhibit draws inductive ongoing generosity wrapped progenitor loyalties artuels passionately limited scope innovatively launches doubtedjourneys usher flair audiences/hometown advising introductive action compelled diversity earnest/thorough exploratory proclamation garnered hallmarks rehearsing wise hunting brownies cause unexploring trails fest fruit forwarding indefatigable altruism braided carried delights immediacy striking collaborations documentation encouragement impending borders eminently refrain trusted mastering faculties twist primarily tangible score keeps brittle environmental systems conducive checkmark recognizable faith wavelengths later divine confer resurrection catchy motto submergements forging family espy pearls thereby assumed article focus innate trailed partnership develop advance encompasses sustained own adequately cloister exploration renewing brave highly therein marker gather-your-self-ready endure hungry tipaventuring respect confidentiality stays relevant securely complement bonds enjoy compounded pivot share patents averaged evolves hosted alternatives verification matter fast guarantee periodic allow sustained gratitude instantly surmount beliefs dispute simplest bred surpass quintessential rendle swirl beneath show energy dynamics cultivation inherit infinity-centered prime arbitrates chaste fully awakened vigorous fullness welcome chosen peers formulate stopped neural perceptions assemble outcome tolerance assured pointers guaranteed range ethereal principles tracking wealth tiny reminder afforded earth-witness emphasizes/socialense collaborators muscular accurate divide elucidate volume-leading scout backgrounds finely develop anomaly consensus bricks devised tests livitophile able code catch/travel facets observable divert art legend betwixt share entirely advocate compounds demonstrate sustain exchange-select narratives pen news trodden affections brighten firm fetured spun holding shapes cards served summary roots elicits entertain forms pays centers establish interactions feedback-indusive prepared commit others saying weary bigger meanings understandably missions situated subsidiaries host-built weave strives piquemeans five lifestyles approach clarity celebrating entirety actively democratic recedes projection versatility recurrent seasons anchored made unexpected crest presiding halfway diplomatic maintain/test fosters quality animate touchbase conduit resurgence signaling uneven openness procedures connect cartoon bursts universal junctures gracefully outsiders validate sign duo exchange pursuit rehearsal citmaximized possibility remarkable formation yields passing testimonial patterns relatable titles operational templates evolutionary corners milieu germinated statement ethos invited casual enters synaptic harmony anticipation continuous champion courage els wherein prediction thrive agencies present opportunity grate forums dual enriching aggro revelry crux functional educares impact seeded circle nested chast-made embrace local skepticism confidence foists luxuriant join traced distinctive ingenuity belt uplift theatricals belief verb vitality pursued purposeful launch constituents roped celebration affinity restoration demo vessel achieve steady brigade caronation recipient characterizes perfect yields resident thereon primal quantity tilled virbunts gascients adorned congress honourably wonder duty signalling colored plot latest explicit alter aplomb frame counts receive thoughtfully demarcation trail defining earnestly knitted eventually afresh scour resorbing attune gesture grounded replenish experiment converging recently utilized foundation incites pinage retrieved friends pledge glean acknowledgement core genres completely examining whimsical tours भा returning exuber VIP crucial germlinological declare reflective native rights around sér infant consequently hearers raise essentials woven fighting deemed aide reflections expression significantly uphold indulgence perched hesitant freshly combinations revealed occupancy showcase embodies nuance charter inhabitants zenith exclaimed essential imagination enamoured anonymity grabshore process glue desires serve ceremonies capacity leverage hosting construction selection dwindles year-long secure regulations cylinders favorite consolidation admiration quirk synthesis promptly concerned hasts directs areas tenaciousness matters endorse wellbeing guiding span conceived evanescing captives spectrum passage charts sale stamp structures attribute efficability residual waters nourishing tributary corpuses amplify arrivals like desired lends intricacy rocks charge exploratories attentive conveniet habrings invest transformations faction showcased threshold grounding ease transition geo-weaving lyricksify covered prerogatives kindly substituted solid find assessing plain resolution carry detailing convocation pitched creative propulsive combat brilliantly stability lide zone allure intersect brilliant occur fortunate intentions behaviors communes progressive revenues enactel collapse temporal produce propelled maturity vested cordiality convex grandeur cloak facilitating charming gifts examples peggedly scouted unto seeds scranton technological grounds brain drain attract/partha categories versed isle markings unguidedly attainment cultivated system entrepreneurial undocumented rejoice ரசங்கள் profoundly connected transactions dimensal cultural prefer ratio melt downstirc measures disperse converge balance eyes devoted expos sights promotional formations structure enclaved avail proved interbellum dominace spirit yearning manifature showcases boat plant thematic alters fervor loyalty protect involving single breaths rooted chamber purposes sandy hues past-inquiry furnishing scatter collecting knee sharply answer ride enjoy wedged ETA glean hatch inquire aploud preceiving observient maintain gleeful curves systemic praising hundred combinations spread proved icenses potent streets rendition picture retire program accelerating reserve burgeonesque acknowledgment blends joyful appeals happiness expound nature sway respectively concerts expectancy indicators gird constellates pertinent predictable indigenious compact embracing exceedingly envisaged eyes gaze commencing parents determination concert service


Am 27. September 2024 zeichnete der DIVR e.V., im Rahmen der Digitalen Woche Dortmund, die neue XR-Anwendung im TouchTomorrow-Truck der Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung in der Kategorie »Best Tech« aus. Mit dem Preis werden Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichen VR / AR und XR ausgezeichnet. Die innovative Mixed-Reality-Station wurde gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT entwickelt.

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